Sustainability Strategy

The sustainability strategy of the 2024 World Triathlon Championship Finals Torremolinos-Andalucía seeks to integrate

  • social criteria (universal accessibility, equality, inclusion...),
  • economic criteria (efficiency, consumption of products, resources, emissions, etc.) and
  • environmental criteria (impact on climate, natural environment, animal and plant species...).

To avoid negative impacts, move towards sustainability and at the same time align with the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda.


The implementation is materialised in all stages of the development of the event (planning-organisation-assembly-celebration and dismantling).

Success depends on everyone's participation:

  • Athletes
  • Staff
  • Collaborators
  • Sponsors
  • Volunteers
  • Public

Communication is another essential part of sustainability, both internal and external communication plays an important role, affecting our own staff, sponsors, athletes, volunteers and the general public.

The objectives of the sustainability strategy of the WTCF Torremolinos-Andalucía 2024 are:

  • Fight against climate change.
  • To protect water as a resource and source of life.
  • Integrate the circular economy (redesign, rethink, reduce, reuse, repair and recycle)
  • Promoting sustainable consumption and local economy
  • Contribute to the conservation of marine biodiversity
  • Integrating all people with equity through sport