Alliances within the framework of sustainable development

Without losing sight of the balance between the economic, social and environmental sectors, the alliances established with different actors in the framework of these Finals of the 2024 World Triathlon Championship Finals Torremolinos-Andalucía are highlighted below.

Economic sector
•        Federación Nacional de Cofradías de Pescadores
•        Coca-Cola

Environmental sector
•        Aguas de Torremolinos
•        Cátedra de Ciencias del Litoral de la Universidad de Málaga

Social sector
•        Autismo Sur
•        Cáritas Parroquial Cristo Resucitado de Torremolinos
•        Club Deportivo Adaptado Al-Andalus
•        Comedor Social Emaús
•        Diversport
•        Vivero Los Pinares
•        Club Deportivo Adaptado Al-Andalus
•        Club Deportivo Cuasicuarentones Torremolinos
•        Asociación Diversport Torremolinos

We would also like to highlight the selfless collaboration of athletes such as Alberto González, Damián Quintero, Carlos Soler, the Torremolinos Triathlon Club and the Cuasicuarentones Torremolinos Sports Club, in the production of a small series of micro-videos to communicate the most important aspects of this sustainability