Published all the 2024 World Triathlon Chanpionship Finals Torremolinos-Andalucía race courses

05 April, 2024

Published all the 2024 World Triathlon Chanpionship Finals Torremolinos-Andalucía race courses

Published all the race courses from the 2024 World Triathlon Chanpionship Finals Torremolinos-Andalucía taking place in October 17th. Thursday to 20th. Sunday.

The Final of the Triathlon World Championships Torremolinos-Andalucía 2024 has made public all the circuits of this great event that will take place from 17 to 20 October in the town of Torremolinos. After the previous publication of the Age Group courses, the Championship, which has the support of its main sponsor, the Department of Tourism, Culture and Sport of the Andalusian Regional Government and the Provincial Council of Malaga and the Torremolinos Town Hall, has now made official the routes of the rest of the races. Elite, U23, Junior, Paralympic Triathlon and Junior/SU23 Mixed Relay and Paralympic Triathlon Mixed Relay.

ELita / U23 World Triathlon Championships

The Elite event, which will crown the World Triathlon Champions in the highest category, will share exactly the same course as the U23 World Championship. The swim will take place in Los Alamos Beach with a distance of 1.5 km over two laps. After the water, the first transition will take place, which will start the cycling segment, consisting of 40.8 km in which drafting will be allowed, on an eight-lap urban circuit with +/- 25 metres of elevation  per lap. After the bike, there will  be the second transition and the 10 km running segment, all of them along the Paseo Marítimo of Torremolinos. These last 10,000 metres will be run on a four-lap course with always with views of the sea.

Junior World Triathlon Championships

The race will start with the swim at the Playa de los Alamos with a distance of 750 metres over just one lap. Then, after the first transition, the cycling segment will begin, consisting of 20.4 km in which drafting will be allowed on a four-lap urban circuit with +/- 25 metres of elevation per lap. And the 5 km foot race will also be run entirely along the Paseo Marítimo of Torremolinos with two laps, always with a view of the sea.

Para World Triathlon Championships

Starting at Los Alamos Beach, the swim will consist of 750 metres, a one-lap swim. The transition will start the second segment, which will be run on a 20,4 km urban circuit without drafting, 4 laps with +/- 12 metres of elevation per lap. And the final point and end, the third segment, of 5 km along the Paseo Marítimo of Torremolinos in a circuit of two laps, always with views of the sea.

U23/Junior Mixed Relay

This race will start with the swimming segment, which will consist of 250 metres on one lap at Los Alamos Beach. After the first transition, it will be time for the triathletes to get on the bike to tackle a 5 km one-lap urban circuit with +/- 31 metres of elevation where Drafting will be allowed. Then, after the second transition, it will be the turn of the 1.5 km one lap run along the Paseo Marítimo of Torremolinos, with a perfect panoramic view of the sea.

Para Mixed Relay

A quarter of a kilometre, 250 metres, will make up the swim segment, which will be located at Los Alamos Beach. At the exit of the water, the first transition will give way to the second segment, of 3.8 km in a one-lap urban circuit, with +/- 9 metres of elevation per lap, in which Drafting will not be allowed. The race will end with the third segment, a single lap, which will be 900 metres long for the first three relays and 1.2 km long for the fourth and last relay. This third segment will once again take place on the Paseo Marítimo in Torremolinos, with unbeatable views of the sea.

Age-Groups race courses

Age-Groups World Triathlon Sprint Championships

The swim will take place at Los Alamos Beach to complete a distance of 750 metres on one lap. The transition to the bike will be located about 370 metres from the water, to start the cycling segment, of 20 kilometres in which Drafting will be allowed, and which will take place in two laps around an urban circuit and motorway with +/- 68 metres of elevation per lap and finishing in the surroundings of the Paseo Marítimo of Torremolinos, where the 5 kilometres of running race will take place, always with views of the sea.

Age-Groups World Triathlon Standard Triathlon Championships

Also at Los Alamos Beach, the Standard distance swim will take place with a one-lap course of 1.5 kilometres. The first transition is again 370 metres away, where the triathletes will get on the bike to start the second segment, 40 kilometres without drafting on a 3-lap urban and motorway circuit with +/- 90 metres of elevation per lap, heading south to the city limit of Benalmádena. The second transition will be located again next to the Paseo Marítimo, to start the foot race, which will also be run entirely along the Paseo, with a 5 kilometres course in two laps, in a southerly direction until reaching the Casa de Los Navajas, an emblematic palace of Torremolinos located in the heart of Bajondillo.

Age-Groups World Traithlon Aquabike Championships

The circuit will be the same as that of the Standard Distance except for the running segment. That is to say, swim start at the Plata de los Alamos with a 1,5 kilometres course with only one lap, transition to the bike, and 40 kilometres cycling segment without drafting in 3 laps with +/- 90 metres of elevation per lap.

Age-Groups World Triathlon Mixed Relay Championships

The swim, in Los Alamos Beach, will be 250 metres in one lap, and the transition (located 370 metres from the water) to the bike will take place. The cycling section will consist of a small circuit of 6 kilometres of urban and motorway, also a single lap of +/- 23 metres of elevation in which Drafting will be allowed. At the end of the bike, the second transition will take place in the surroundings of the Paseo de los Alamos Beach to face the last kilometre and a half of running along the Paseo Marítimo of Torremolinos, which will bring the race to an end.

Dates and Wikiloc tracks

Find all the rece courses tracks here in Wikiloc.

The event will take place form the 17th. till the 20th. October with this competition schedule.

*The (provisional) schedule for all competitions will be announced soon, as well as the opening of Age Group registrations.